Valentine's Movies

Grab the popcorn and get ready to indulge in a movie date night with some of our romance inspired selections.

Films to watch solo

A black and white photo taken from behind of a man's head and back as he sits looking at a tv screen.

Flip this card if you're looking for film recommendations to watch on your own.

Films for couples

black & white photograph of a couple watching a movie. The woman is leaning back into the man and is pointing a remote control at the tv.

Flip this card if you're looking for film recommendations to watch with your partner.

Films to watch with friends

A black & white photo of a trio of friends watching a movie together. The first friend is biting their fist. The second friend is clutching a coffee cup and the third friend is holding a bucket of popcorn and grimacing.

Flip this card if you're looking for film recommendations to watch with a group of friends.